Engineering MCQs Mechanical Mechanical Engineering MCQs Set 2 March 18, 2022March 18, 2022 0 Mechanical Engineering MCQs for Job Test and Interview Preparation, Graduates, Students, Competition Exams, and more. Machine Design, Machine Theory, Hydraulic Machines, and other topics are covered in this set of multiple-choice problems. /20 0 votes, 0 avg 4 Created on March 17, 2022 Mechanical Engineering MCQS Set 2 NameEmailPhone Number 1 / 20 A compressor at high altitude will draw________________? more power less power same power more/less power depending on other factors none of the above 2 / 20 During base load operation, the best method of controlling compressor is ___________________? start-stop motor constant speed unloader relief valve variable speed none of the above 3 / 20 Separators in compressor installations are located_____________________? before intercooler after intercooler after receiver between after-cooler and air receiver before suction 4 / 20 The capacity of compressor will be highest when its intake temperature is___________________? lowest highest anything. atmospheric none of the above 5 / 20 An air compressor may be controlled by____________________? throttle control B. clearance control blow-off control any one of the above none of the above 6 / 20 The area of actual indicator diagram on an air compressor as compared to area of ideal indicator diagram is_____________________? less more same more/less depending on compressor capacity unpredictable 7 / 20 After-cooler is used to__________________? cool the air decrease the delivery temperature for ease in handling cause moisture and oil vapour to drop out reduce volume increase pressure 8 / 20 Reciprocating air compressor is best suited for___________________? large quantity of air at high pressure small quantity of air at high pressure small quantity of air at low pressure large quantity of air at low pressure any one of the above 9 / 20 A centrifugal compressor works on the principle of__________________? conversion of pressure energy into kinetic energy conversion of kinetic energy into pres¬sure energy centripetal action generating pressure directly combination of A. and D. 10 / 20 The compressor efficiecny is the__________________? isothermal H.P/indicated H.R isothermal H.P./shaft H.R total output/air input compression work/motor input none Of the above 11 / 20 Mining industry usually employs following motive power___________________? A.C. electric motor compressed air petrol engine diesel engine D.C. electric motor 12 / 20 To aviod moisture troubles, the compressed air main line should __________________? rise gradually towards the point of use drop gradually towards the point of use be laid vertically be laid exactly horizontally none of the above 13 / 20 To avoid moisture troubles, the branch connections from compressed air lines should be taken from_________________? top side of main bottom side of main left side of main right side of main any location 14 / 20 The compressor performance at higher altitude compared to sea level will be _______________? same higher lower dependent on other factors none of the above 15 / 20 For a compressor, least work will be done if the compression is________________ ? isentropic isothermal polytropic somewhere in between isentropic and isothermal none of the above 16 / 20 For slow-speed large capacity compressor, following type of valve will be best suited________________? poppet valve mechanical valve of the corliss, sleeve, rotary or semirotary type disc or feather type any of the above none of the above 17 / 20 During peak load periods, the best method of controlling compressors is___________________? start-stop motor constant speed unloader relief valve variable speed none of the above 18 / 20 The thrust on the rotor in a centrifugal compressor is produced by________________? radial component axial component tangential component resultant component 19 / 20 The volumetirc efficiency of a compressor is calculated on the basis of __________________? volume of air inhaled at working conditions volume of air inhaled at N.T.P. conditions volume at 0°C and 1 kg/cm2 volume at 20°C and 1 kg/cm2 none of the above 20 / 20 In multistage compressor, the isothermal compression is achieved by_________________? employing intercooler by constantly cooling the cylinder by running compressor at very slow speed by insulating the cylinder none of the above Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Please rate this quiz Send feedback
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