Electrical Engineering MCQs Set 2

Electrical engineering MCQs for job test and interview preparation, freshers, students, competitive examinations, and more. Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, Electrical Measurement & Units, Utilization of Electrical Energy, Basic Electrical Engineering, Electrical Installation, Power Systems, Testing & Maintenance of Electrical Equipment, and so on are some of the topics covered in these multiple-choice questions.

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Electrical Engineering MCQS Set 2

Electrical engineering MCQs for job test and interview preparation, freshers, students, competitive examinations, and more. Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, Electrical Measurement & Units, Utilization of Electrical Energy, Basic Electrical Engineering, Electrical Installation, Power Systems, Testing & Maintenance of Electrical Equipment, and so on are some of the topics covered in these multiple-choice questions.

1 / 20

Gate circuit or triggering circuit of a thyristor is

2 / 20

Compared to transistor, _________ have lower on state conduction losses and higher power handling capability?

3 / 20

Materials used in heat sink should have_____________?

4 / 20

The capacitance of reversed bised junction J2 in a thyristor is CJ2 = 20 pF and can be assumed to be independant of the off state voltage. The limiting value of the charging current to turn on the thyristor is 16 mA. What is the critical value of dv/dt?

5 / 20

COOLMOS device can be used in application up to power range of___________?

6 / 20

Thermal voltage VT can be given by____________?

7 / 20

What is used to protect a thyristor from high di / dt conditions__________?

8 / 20

IGBT combines the advantages of_____________?

9 / 20

Snubber circuit is used with SCR_________________?

10 / 20

Why resistor is used in Snubber circuit_________________ ?

11 / 20

Which of the following is used in SCR to protect from high dV / dt__________________?

12 / 20

Which of the following is used in heat sink_____________?

13 / 20

How can we protect SCR from thermal conditions _____________?

14 / 20

SCR will be turned off when anode current is_______________?

15 / 20

What happen due to high di / dt____________?

16 / 20

What may happen high dV / dt____________?

17 / 20

A thyristor can termed as__________?

18 / 20

After proper turn on of thyristor____________?

19 / 20

Which one is most suitable power device for high frequency (>100 KHz) switching application?

20 / 20

Thyristor is nothing but a____________?

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