Electrical Engineering MCQs Set 1

Electrical engineering MCQs for job test and interview preparation, freshers, students, competitive examinations, and more. Electrical Machines, Power Electronics, Electrical Measurement & Units, Utilization of Electrical Energy, Basic Electrical Engineering, Electrical Installation, Power Systems, Testing & Maintenance of Electrical Equipment, and so on are some of the topics covered in these multiple-choice questions.

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Electrical Engineering MCQS Set 1

1 / 20

A GTO can be turned on by applying___________?

2 / 20

Delay time is defined by the interval when_______________?

3 / 20

Typical range of thyristor turn OFF time is______________?

4 / 20

During reverse recovery time__________________?

5 / 20

Which of following is not a power transistor?

6 / 20

A modern power semiconductor device that combines the characteristic of BJT and MOSFET is_____________?

7 / 20

During gate recovery time_____________?

8 / 20

Power transistor are type of___________?

9 / 20

During which time maximum conduction spreading take place in the thyristor during turn ON?

10 / 20

The reverse recovery time of diode is trr = 3 μs and the rate off all of the diode current is di/dt = 30 A/μs. The storage charge current QRR is___________?

11 / 20

Which of following is normally ON device?

12 / 20

Which statement is true ?

13 / 20

Which of the following is true about SIT?

14 / 20

The turn-on time of an SCR with inductive load is 20 µs. The puls train frequency is 2.5 KHz with a mark/space ratio of 1/10, then SCR will___________?

15 / 20

Rise time is defined by the interval when____________?

16 / 20

The typical time of rising time lies between______________?

17 / 20

Maximum power loss occurs during_________________?

18 / 20

A power MOSFET has three terminals called___________?

19 / 20

SITH is also known as___________?

20 / 20

Spread time is defined as the interval during which_____________?

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