Knowledge Hub
1 / 10
The interview is used as a method for determining___________?
2 / 10
Which of the following component of attitude represents a person’s opinio’ns knowledge, and information?
3 / 10
Firing the non-performing employees, HR manager is said to perform the__________?
4 / 10
The thorough & detailed study.regarding jobs within an Organisation is represented by:__________?
5 / 10
Which of the following statements most accurately defines human resource management?
6 / 10
The process of choosing individuals who have re1evant qualifications to fill existing or projected job openings is__________?
7 / 10
Which of the following is not a function normally performed by the HR· department?
8 / 10
Which of the following would likely be the least effective method of recruiting internal job candidates?
9 / 10
Which of the following test indicates the person’s inclination towards a particular occupation that provides satisfaction to that individual?
10 / 10
Successful managers are__________?
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