Mechanical Engineering MCQs Set 1

Mechanical Engineering MCQs for Job Test and Interview Preparation, Graduates, Students, Competition Exams, and more. Machine Design, Machine Theory, Hydraulic Machines, and other topics are covered in this set of multiple-choice problems.

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Mechanical Engineering MCQS Set 1

1 / 20

As the value of index ‘«’ is decreased, the volumetric efficiency will___________________?

2 / 20

The ratio of outlet whirl velocity to blade velocity in case of centrifugal compressor is called__________________?

3 / 20

Phenomenon of choking in compressor means __________________?

4 / 20

Diffuser in a compressor is used to _____________________?

5 / 20

More than one stage will be preferred for reciprocating compressor if the delivery pressure is more than____________________?

6 / 20

The volumetric efficiency of a compressor falls roughly as follows for every 100 m increase in elevation___________________?

7 / 20

The ratio of isentropic work to euler’s work is known as _____________________?

8 / 20

Which is false statement about advantages of multistage compressor in comparison to single stage compressor_________________?

9 / 20

For minimum work in multistage compression, assuming same index of compression in all stages_________________?

10 / 20

The maximum compression ratio in an actual single stage axial flow comperssor is of the order of________________?

11 / 20

In a compressor, free air delivered is the actual volume delivered at the stated pressure reduced to ____________________?

12 / 20

Losses in a centrifugal compressor are due to__________________?

13 / 20

The advantage of multistage compression over single stage compression is ________________?

14 / 20

The volumetric efficiency of a compressor falls roughly as follows for every 5°C increase in atmospheric temperature__________________?

15 / 20

The criterion of the thermodynamic efficiency for rotary compressor is_________________?

16 / 20

The indicated work per unit mass of air delivered is___________________?

17 / 20

The ratio of isentropic work to Euler work is known as_____________________?

18 / 20

Pick up the wrong statement about advantages of multistage compression____________________?

19 / 20

For a two stage compressor* if index of compression for higher stage is greater than index of compression for lower stage, then the optimum pressure as compared to ideal case will___________________?

20 / 20

For supplying intermittent small quantity of air at high pressure, following compressor is best suited__________________?

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