Civil Engineering MCQs Set 3

Civil Engineering MCQs for Career Test & Interview Practice, Graduates, Students, Competitive Exams, and more. Building Construction, Materials for Construction, Basic Surveying, Highway Engineering, Dams, Airport Engineering, Structural Analysis, and other topics are covered in this set of multiple-choice questions.

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Civil Engineering MCQS Set 3

1 / 20

First class timber has an average life of_____________?

2 / 20

Percentage of silica in a good brick earth lies between_______________?

3 / 20

The plywood______________?

4 / 20

The trunk of tree left after cutting all the branches is known as_______________?

5 / 20

The nominal size of the modular brick is_______________?

6 / 20

Which of the following bricks are used for lining of furnaces ?

7 / 20

The process of mixing clay, water and other ingredients to make brick is known as______________?

8 / 20

Excess of silica in brick earth results in______________?

9 / 20

Plywood is made by bonding together thin layers of wood in such a way that the angle between grains of any layer to grains of adjacent layers is_________________?

10 / 20

Which of the following ingredients of the brick earth enables the brick to retain its shape ?

11 / 20

The age of a tree can be known by examining_________________?

12 / 20

The main function of alumina in brick earth is_______________?

13 / 20

Crushing strength of a first class brick should not be less than_____________?

14 / 20

Plywood has the advantage of_____________?

15 / 20

The moisture content in a well seasoned timber is_______________?

16 / 20

A first class brick when immersed in cold water for 24 hours should not absorb water more than______________?

17 / 20

The internal size of mould used in brick preparation is__________________?

18 / 20

The percentage of alumina in a good brick earth lies between________________?

19 / 20

Excess of alumina in brick earth makes the brick______________?

20 / 20

The practical limit of moisture content achieved in air drying of timber is________________?

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